Travel Iowa Announces its Annual Grant Cycle

30 Aug 2023


The Iowa Tourism Grant (ITG) Program promotes tourism in Iowa by funding tourism-related marketing initiatives, meetings, and events that benefit both local economies and the state's economy. Applications are now open for Iowa tourism-related entities, including nonprofits, for-profits, cities, counties, and regional government and planning entities. Applicants may submit one application per funding cycle. The same project cannot receive funding from the Tourism Grant Program two years in a row. Preference will be given to projects that support the overall marketing plan of the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) in terms of its target audiences and messaging.

To be eligible for a grant, all project expenses must directly relate to the implementation of a tourism-related marketing initiative, meeting, or event during the 2024 calendar year. $400,000 is available for the FY24 grant cycle. Grant awards will range from $2,500 to $10,000. All grants require a 20% cash match. Applications are due on September 29, 2023, at 4 p.m. CDT.

For grant application details and more information, visit the Travel Iowa website.

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